by Noah S. R.de Luzuriaga
Max ran through the dark hallway, wondering where he was and where the spiders were. There was almost no light in the hallway, but Max knew that they would still know where he was. The entire building was very creepy, but with the addition of the spiders, it was a nightmare. Max Peterson was absolutely terrified of spiders, ever since he was five years old.
Max was a normal ten year old kid, except for his arachnophobia. When he was five, a spider crawled onto his arm while he was sleeping. Max woke up and saw it crawl across his skin just before the spider painfully bit into his arm. His parents brought him to the hospital because they thought that the spider was poisonous. It wasn't, but Max was still very scarred by the whole event.
He had come to the old decrepit waste disposal plant on a dare from his friends. The disposal plant was a remote location, far enough away from the town where he lived, but still within biking distance. After thirty minutes of biking with his friends, Max and his buddies walked to the plant and entered through the broken down front door. Max was told that he would have to head to the center of the plant for the dare to be finished. Upon going through the front door, Max and his friends heard a soft pitter-patter across the floor. To Max's horror, the sound came from dozens of spiders. The spiders were unnaturally large. They weren't the size of Godzilla, but they were larger than any other spider known to man. These things were like eight-legged dogs. Max's friends ran for it, but Max couldn't bring himself to move, due to his arachnophobia. When he finally came to his senses, the bloodthirsty spiders were close enough to bite him. Since the spiders were blocking the front door, Max had no choice but to run through a dirty and completely dark corridor.
Max tried to see if any of them were in front of him. As far as he could tell, there weren't any spiders in front of him. However, he heard the soft pitter-patter noise again, coming from behind him. Max ran for it, not noticing one spider crawling on the ceiling above him.
As Max was running, the spider on the ceiling dropped itself directly onto Max. It was like the others, large, and with hair like a tarantula's. Its gross mandibles reached forward, eager to bite poor Max. Max wrestled with the freak of nature and managed to toss it away. It continued to chase him, always trying to bite Max, as if it were possessed. Max ran as if the hounds of hell were chasing him, and in his mind, they were. The lone spider jumped at Max, its eight limbs spread wide, hoping to trap the boy. Max was knocked to the ground. He desperately reached for anything that could help him. Fate must have smiled on him that day, because his hands managed to grab a loose brick. Max pummeled the spider in the face with the brick, not stopping until its head was a puddle of goo. The rest of the spider horde finally caught up with Max, so Max began running again. Max did not stop for anything, which was a shame, because if he had stopped running forward, maybe he would have noticed a hole in the floor just in front of him.
As Max stepped on the hole, he fell. The entire floor in that part was quite fragile, so it all crumbled down as well. When Max came to, he found himself in a strange hollowed out cavern.
"Spiders must have hollowed it out", he mumbled to himself.
Max started walking through the dark, creepy cavern, wondering if he would be able to get out. Suddenly, he heard a spider behind him. Strangely, he didn't hear the soft pitter-patter sound to which he was terrified of, instead, he heard loud footsteps, as if something large was behind him.
Max was afraid to turn around. Inch by inch, he faced the monster. It was a monstrosity. It looked very similar to the other spiders, except for one small factor. It was huge. This creature was the size of a car, and could easily devour Max whole if it wanted to. And it certainly did want to. The giant spider lunged at Max. Thing is, its size made it slower than its lesser arachnids, thus allowing Max to barely jump out of the way. Angered at having its prey escape her, the spider turned to face Max, who was scared out of his mind.
Stay strong Maxie, he thought to himself, barely holding back tears of terror. That was what his dad always told him whenever he was having trouble overcoming a challenge. This was quite possibly the biggest challenge he would ever have to face in his entire life.
The spider grabbed at Max, but it only managed to get a hold of Max's hoodie, which Max immediately took off. Unfortunately, the spider had managed to corner him, and he couldn't dodge to the right nor to the left. So he did the only thing he could. He went under it.
Max managed to execute a roll underneath the spider which would have probably made a lot of Hollywood stunt-men proud. He dashed off to the other end of the cave, where he originally fell.
Max saw that a lot of the floors above were unstable due to the hollowing of the cave. He immediately came up with a plan, and he prayed to God that it wouldn't kill him.
The boy picked up a stone and threw it at at the spider. For a second, he hoped that he would get a David & Goliath moment, but no such luck. The spider charged at him, as fast as it possibly could. Max jumped out of the way in time, but the spider was not able to stop itself from ramming the already unstable wall.
Max heard the debris fall before he saw them. Several pieces of concrete and rock were falling, mostly on the spider. Unfortunately, a lot of rocks also began to fall towards him.
"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" he screamed, as the debris fell.
Ryan and Josh, the two friends of Max who got away earlier, ran to their local police station, and they told the cops everything that happened. At first the cops were skeptical. Who would believe that a bunch of vicious man-eating spiders existed? They did send a number of cops over to the abandoned plant when they learned that Max was there.
Josh and Ryan went back to the plant and helped the cops search for Max. The police were shocked to see that the spiders did exist, and they promptly shot each and every one that they could find. Eventually, they found the part of the building where the floor was collapsed. After calling in some backup, they managed to use a piece of rope to head into the cavern. They saw the dead Mother Spider, along with a human body.
"Max!" shouted Josh and Ryan in unison. They helped him get to a sitting position. Max's arm was broken by the fall of debris, and his head was bleeding. The cops got him into an ambulance. While in the hospital, Max thought about what just happened.
I just went through hell, he thought. I've gone through my own personal hell and I survived, realized Max.
He looked at himself. His arm was in a cast, his head was bandaged, and he was sore all over. He had come really close to crying like a baby, and he peed his pants once or twice back at the plant. But he survived. And what's more, he vanquished the spiders. Max slept like a baby, knowing that now he and everyone else would be safe.
Then again, whoever said that all the spiders died?