This was written by my eight year old son -Noah as part of his homeschooling work. He was asked to write an alternative ending to the story of Ali Baba.- ADRL
Cassim ( A revised ending for Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves )
If Cassim got out of the cave, I would like this to happen.
When Cassim was going home he slipped and fell in a river. He lost all his treasure. When he got out, he saw a yellow feather. He took it and dropped it in the water (by accident). When he found it again, he saw it turn to gold. He decided to keep it.
He travelled but couldn't find his way home. He found a water path that he thought would lead him home. He saw that the feather became dirty. When he washed it and took it out of the water, he did not see a golden feather but a golden wing. He was so surprised but he just kept on walking.
While he travelled he kept seeing his golden wing (once a feather) get dirty and the more he washed it the more bird parts it formed until he finally completed a golden bird.
When the golden bird became dirty, Cassim washed it and the golden bird became a real bird. The bird flew in one direction and Cassim followed it. When the bird landed, it landed on a tree next to Cassim's house. He thanked the bird and the bird flew away.
When he told his wife his story she was surprised.
Cassim became a new man.
The End